Improv Tip #72: Be Surprised

Let your character be visually surprised by new information.
Taken aback. Stammering. Shook. Floored.
Now, I know: this is something you already do. It’s reacting. It is classic straight man antics.
But it can also get buried under other, very good, improv advice. Advice like “Choosing to know”, “starting in the middle”, “accepting accusations”, and even Yes And itself may cause “acting surprised” to be forgotten.
Improvisation should be new and surprising. Why would an audience watch otherwise? By acting surprised, you allow the audience to be surprised (and time to laugh).
The double take is a staple of sitcom (these days it would be the reaction shot). It’s important. It motivates your character, it feeds the plot. It adds realism AND the fun to a scene, which is a hard combo.
So try it! When new information reveals itself, take a pause to wallow in the reaction. The effectiveness will surprise you.